Hernia Surgery

Derek K. Paul, MD, FACS -  - General Surgeon

Derek K. Paul, MD, FACS

General Surgeon & Laparoscopic Surgeon & Oncological Surgeon located in Vero Beach, FL

If you have a hernia that causes too much pain and discomfort, you only have one treatment option: hernia surgery. As an expert general surgeon, Derek K. Paul MD, FACS, in Vero Beach, Florida, has extensive experience repairing all types of hernias, effectively alleviating your pain and helping you get back to the activities you enjoy. To learn more about hernia surgery, call the office or use the online booking feature.

Hernia Surgery Q & A

What causes a hernia?

A hernia develops when organs or other tissues in your abdomen push out through a weak muscle. The problem occurs over years of placing pressure on your abdominal muscles during activities such as coughing, lifting heavy objects, and straining during bowel movements, and if you are overweight.

Natural age-related muscle degeneration, lack of exercise, and an earlier wound also create weak areas in the abdominal muscle that can lead to a hernia.

What types of hernias do surgeons repair?

Dr. Paul repairs all the different types of hernias:

  • Umbilical hernia at the belly button
  • Inguinal hernia in the inner groin
  • Femoral hernia in the outer groin
  • Abdominal or ventral hernia, which occurs in the abdominal wall
  • Hiatal hernia that forms in the diaphragm

Hiatal hernias are different because they don’t push through the abdominal wall. They occur when your stomach pushes through the opening that allows the esophagus to travel through the diaphragm.

When might I need hernia surgery?

Your hernia will not improve on its own, and when it becomes too painful, surgery is the only treatment option. As long as your hernia is small and doesn’t cause pain, you don’t need to worry about a surgical repair.

Over time, however, hernias enlarge, causing pain and a visible bulge. Eventually, you reach a point where you receive a recommendation for hernia surgery to relieve your symptoms and prevent the condition from worsening.

Without a hernia repair, you can also develop a complication called a strangulated hernia. This problem occurs when the hernia is trapped or twisted in the muscle, and the pressure cuts off blood flow. A strangulated hernia causes severe pain and requires emergency surgery to prevent tissue death.

What happens during hernia surgery?

During hernia surgery, Dr. Paul returns the protruding abdominal tissues back to their normal location and then repairs the muscle. Hernias frequently recur, so Dr. Paul may implant a surgical mesh to strengthen the muscle and lower your risk of having another hernia in the same area.

Some types of mesh, by design, permanently stay in place. Others are gradually absorbed by your body, providing extra support while the muscle heals and strengthens. Dr. Paul may also use a mesh made of both absorbable and non-absorbable materials.

Dr. Paul often performs hernia surgery using minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery. However, some patients may need open surgery. He can do both types of surgery with or without mesh, depending on what’s best for your health.

When you need relief from hernia pain, call Derek K. Paul MD, FACS, or schedule an appointment online.